Saturday, 27 April 2013

D.I.Y. Lightbox

As part of my mission to become a better photographer is building up the equipment I have available to me when taking photos. Unfortunately much of it is extremely expensive so it will be a while before I can afford to buy it. However, it is possible to build some of the equipment yourself without the need for spending out loads of money.

Even though, this would have been more useful last week during Fruit and Veg week, I decided to build a Lightbox. Following a friend's blog, I built one from a cardboard box, paint, tissue paper and a hell of a lot of tape!

Step 1: Cut three holes into cardboard box and paint inside white

 Step 2: Cover holes with white tissue paper

Step 3: Take Photo

Admittedly, it is not perfect, definitely not as good as others I have seen. But in comparison to the shots I did in fruit and veg week, I am pretty happy with it. And as time goes on, I will improve it!

Water and Liquids

Week 17 of the challenge ran from the 21/04/13 till the 27/0/13.

The theme was Water and Liquids.

I have to admit I was not very keen about this theme but after taking my first photo for the week and seeing how well it came out on my new camera, I felt a bit more excited. I also discovered the beauty of editing this week, something I always tried to steer away from. The last two shots have been edited, the rest are the original shots.

Day 1 - A Running Tap

Day 2 - Pond

Day 3 - River Wandle

Day 4 - Wandle Park

Day 5 - Bath Water

Day 6 - River Thames

Day 7 - Paint and Water

Friday, 26 April 2013

Monochrome London

Not been on for a few days as I have now started a facebook page for my photography, so if you on there, please check it out: Ellacott Photography.

Anyway, wanted to blog some photos that I really love. I was in London today and took some shots around the London Bridge area. The shots I am posting have also been edited in Lightroom, which I have just discovered!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Deen City Farm

As we were up by the River Wandle, we decided to drop into Deen City Farm to see the animals. It was the perfect time of year to go as well, due to the new lambs on the farm! Here is a select few of the photos I took and the rest can be seen on my Flickr Account.

The River Wandle

As it is such a beautiful day today, I decided to take a tram up to Morden to photograph the River Wandle. Very glad I did, as the sun was really shining giving me a chance to get some fantastic shots.

Monday, 22 April 2013


As I do not want to take photos of drinks or running water all week, decided to head over to a pond that I discovered that was near to where I live. The photos are not outstanding, working slowly on learning on how to use my camera to its maximum, but I was quite pleased with the ones I did get.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Running Tap

So new theme this week and a new camera. Going to take me a while to get the hang of my new camera but the theme week is a great place to start! Kept it simple for the first day of the theme, and shot a few photos of a running tap!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Brand New Camera

So for my birthday, I got a brand new camera, a Nikon D3100 DSLR! And even though I have not learnt how to use it properly yet, here are some test shots!