Saturday, 27 July 2013

A Week in the Life.....

Week 30 of the Challenge ran from the 21/7/13 til the 27/7/13.

The theme was A Week in the Life.

So basically we had to photograph a week in the life of ourselves. Was a bit skeptical as I don't think my life is that exciting, despite being reminded that I meet celebs, go to concerts and so on. But it was not one of those weeks and despite that I did manage to get some shots, even if they were not the most exciting things I do!

Day 1 - Putting the Washing Away

Day 2 - Eyebrow Wax

Day 3 - A Trip to Buckingham Palace

Day 4 - Having Fun at Nursery Picnic

Day 5 - Had a Cut and Colour

Day 6 - A Trip to Epsom

Day 7 - Writing this Blog

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Week 29 of the challenge ran from the 14/7/13 till the 20/7/13.

The theme was Signs.

With this theme, I went for a theme within a theme. It was not the most creative theme as I was looking to photograph the sign, while also showing what the sign was there for. I have also continued to now use photos which are edited as I feel a bit more confident about editing, though I still have so much to learn.

Day 1 - Beware of the Tram

Day 2 - Office Space for Let

Day 3 - The Bus Stop

Day 4 - Buses Only

Day 5 - Which Turning?

Day 6 - Brighton Pier

Day 7 - Pay Here

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Upside Down

Week 28 of the challenge ran from the 7/7/13 til the 13/7/13.

The theme was Upside Down.

Going to make this clear right now, while I am happy with the shots I got this week, I really hated this theme. It is becoming clear to me now what I prefer taking photos of and what I am good at. Being creative is not included in any of that! So obviously, having to be created in producing pictures which were upside down, whether taken like that or edited later, was not my cup of tea. Most of the photos ended up being photos of shadows!

Day 1 - Rachael's Shadow

Day 2 - Owen's Shadow

Day 3 - Reflections in the Glass

Day 4 - Mattie's Shadow

Day 5 - Upside Down Drink

Day 6 - Shadow of a Lamp Post

Day 7 - Cartwheeling

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Black & White

Week 27 ran from the 30/6/13 till the 6/7/13.

The theme was Black & White.

Quite an easy week really and most definitely an enjoyable week. The brief was very simple, the photo could be of anything you wanted as long as it was edited into Black and White. Luckily, I love editing into black and white and always know what sort of shot I want to do so. As I popped into London this week, 3 of my shots were taken on the same day.

Day 1 - The Path to the Playground

Day 2 - A View from my Room

Day 3 - Boris Bikes

Day 4 - Millennium Bridge

Day 5 - Curved Building

Day 6 - Down the Street

Day 7 - Arriving Train

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Out of Place

Week 26 of the challenge ran from the 23/6/13 till the 29/6/13.

The theme was Out of Place.

Simple brief: photograph things that appear out of place. Thought I would love this week's theme as I do like to photograph random things but I absolutely hated it. I really could think of or see anything out of place. I did manage 7 photos but this was not my best week. so the photos are not so good!

Day 1 - A Stage in Trafalgar Square

Day 2 - A Potato amongst Apples

Day 3 - A Rubbish Bush

Day 4 - Opened amongst the Closed

Day 5 - Abandoned Trolley

Day 6 - Spot the 10p

Day 7 - A Tie in the Garden