Week 15 of the 2014 challenge ran from 6/4/14 till the 12/4/14.
The theme was By the Light.
The theme was about producing shots lit by torch light or lamp if you did not have a torch. I decided to go for a low key shot, as most of the examples I could find were just that. The first couple of days did not go well, as I have now figured out was due mainly to the settings on my camera more than anything. However, I went out and brought a torch and some black card, figured out the settings I needed and finally on day 3, I got the shot right. Quite pleased with the shots I got once I figured out the manual settings and it is definitely something I hope to use more of in the future, similar to that of High Key.
Day 1 (Light Source: Lamp)
Day 2 (Light Source: Lamp)
Day 3 (Light Source: Torch)
Day 4 (Light Source: Torch)
Day 5 (Light Source: Torch)
Day 6 (Light Source: Torch)
Day 7 (Light Source: Torch)