Sunday, 26 January 2014

Rule of Thirds

Week 4 of the challenge ran from the 19/1/14 till the 25/1/14.

The theme was Rule of Thirds.

This week's theme was a technical challenge, but something most had been doing without realising it. The rule of thirds is all to do with how a photo is composed. It is about using a grid of nine equal parts to produce a photo which helps draw the eye to the point of interest within the shot. I quite enjoyed this theme, though admittedly there were a couple of photos I felt could have been better.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Saturday, 18 January 2014


Week 3 of the 2014 challenge ran from the 12/1/14 till the 18/1/14.

The theme was Circles.

So while it was a simple theme, it was actually harder than it looked. We had to create shots of just the circles, with a plain and simple background, so no busy shots! Not that easy, but it became easier as the week progressed, once ideas came to me.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

 Day 4

 Day 5

 Day 6

 Day 7

Saturday, 11 January 2014


Week 2 of the 2014 challenge ran from the 5/1/14 till the 11/1/14.

The theme was Portfolio.

This week, one of the members of the group was given the chance to come up with the theme (and this will continue throughout the year) and chose to keep it simple as not to scare off the newbies within the group. The idea was to present a portfolio as those we were going for a job and therefore needed to show our best seven photos. It gave people, like me, who have been in the group for a while to be able to stick to our preferred style, while giving those new to the group a chance to have a play around. I chose to stick to architectural photography, my preferred and favourite style.

Day 1 - My House

Day 2 - St Mary Magdalene Church

Day 3 - The London Eye

Day 4 - St James Church

Day 5 - St Michael & All Angels

Day 6 - Former Pumping Station at Park Hill

Day 7 - Holmesdale Road Stand at Selhurst Park

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Starts and Beginnings

Week 1 of the 2014 challenge ran from 1/1/14 till the 4/1/14.

The theme was Starts and Beginnings.

New year, new challenge. Starting on the 1st January, this was a short week, as to keep with the theme change being on Sundays. As it was a new year, starts and beginnings seemed to be an appropriate theme to begin with.

Day 1 - Start of a Brand New Calendar

Day 2 - Beginning of a New Story, New Book and New Series

Day 3 - Start of a Brand New Day

Day 4 - The Famous Words to Begin a New Story

Friday, 3 January 2014

End of Year Review

January 1st 2013: Took photos with Canon Powershot SX150 IS. Shots taken immediately in JPEG format. Did not edit as preferred a natural shot. Favourite style was Portrait.

December 31st 2013: Take photos with Nikon D3100 DSLR. Take photos in RAW formet. Edit and watermark photos in Adobe Lightroom. Favourite style is now Architectural.

Amazing what a difference 365 days can make!

For me to have reached this point with my photography is down to a number of factors and decisions I have made throughout this year.

1. Taking part in the Photo a Day Challenge 2013
I think joining this group to do this challenge is the most significant factor in my progression as a photographer. It has led to all the decisions I have made and it has given me a chance to try out styles and techniques I have never tried before. It also helped me discover my favourite style of photography as well. So I have to thank the lovely Rilly for setting up the group and coming up with briefs that pushed me to get a good shot, even if they drove me mad at times. Click on this link if you wish to partake in the 2014 photo a day challenge.

2. Purchasing a new camera
About two months into the year (or might have been before this) I realised there was a little problem with my camera. Something had got into the lense and causing an additional orange mark to be in my photos. It was a great excuse to get a new camera (though I still intend to get it fixed at some point) and with my 30th birthday fast approaching at the time, it was an even better excuse to suck up to my husband and ask for it as my birthday present. On my 30th birthday, I unwrapped a brand new Nikon D3100 DSLR with an 18-55mm lense. I now use this camera for all the shots you see on here! Now to buy some more equipment to go with it!

3. Setting up my own photography pages
Over the past twelve months, I have set up three additional pages for my photography. Admittedly I do not have loads of followers but I have had people who I am not friends with start following one of the pages! On my pages, I don't just post my best photos, but also fun edits and the original version. I want to be able to see the differences edits can make and I want to be able to see my progress of skills and I want for everyone else to see it too! Though at the moment, due to a missing USB stick, this is on hold and will hopefully continue soon!

My Facebook Page:
My Twitter Page:
My Flickr Page:

Please feel free to follow any of those pages for more of my photos.

4. Getting the courage to finally start editing
I used to hate editing, preferring a natural look to my photos. Probably because I hated magazines that felt the need to touch up the celebs and models on their covers, making them look not their natural selves. You only have to look the number of scandals over this happening in the industry this past year. Melissa McCarthy on her movie poster with Sandra Bullock is a great example of this. But I gave in eventually realising how it can enhance a picture even if it was just simply sharpening the image. I spent most of the year using free editing software or using trials, but in December I purchased Lightroom and Photoshop on a great deal available through Adobe! My preference is Lightroom, through which all of my photos are now edited!

5. Changing the format in which I shoot photos.
For the bulk of the year, I had shot in JPEG. It meant I was able to upload immediately without the need for editing. However, I was encouraged to change to shooting in RAW. After doing some research to understand better, I discovered it was the best way to shoot due to it bringing out the colours, light etc in more natural way. It did mean the need for editing before uploading. This no longer bothers me as I now enjoy the editing process! I feel my photos now look better through shooting in RAW.

So the plan for this year:
1. Take part in the 2014 Photo a Day Challenge, which has now started.
2. Learn to use the manual settings on my DSLR.
3. Learn more about the editing software I use.
4. Buy more lenses and equipment for my DSLR.
5. Hopefully sign up to take a City and Guilds Photography course.
6. Continue to improve my skills as a photographer!