Week 5 of the 2014 challenge ran from the 26/1/14 till the 1/2/14.
The theme was How I See It.
The general idea of the theme was recreate a shot in our own personal style. We given seven shots (one for each day) which we were interpret and recreate. The point of this theme was not about recreating exactly what the shot was but to use it as inspiration. I was not impressed by the theme to begin with, but I have managed to complete the week happy with my shots. Not all shots I was able to recreate as I did not have what was needed so I created a shot, which I felt represented something similar to the original shot.
The photos that follow will be posted by day as normal, but will have two shots, the top one will be the shot I was asked to recreate and the bottom shot will be my interpretation.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7