The theme was High Key Photography.
This week was about learning and developing a new technique, high key photography, which is about the use of light. For me, it also meant using my camera in full manual for the first time. As I do not have a suitable light source for this technique, I used the natural light, usually in the morning, to take my shots in. Luckily, it has been generally a beautiful week for weather. One of the girls in the group gave us a rough idea of what settings to use as well, so after a bit of playing around, I finally got the first shot and stuck with the settings the rest of the week.
Using the natural light and either a piece of white card as a back drop or my homemade lightbox, the settings on my camera used to take the shot were as followed:
- Format: RAW
- White Balance: Cool White Fl. Preset
- ISO: 200
- Auto Focus
- Auto Area
- Spot Metering
- Exposure: Ranged between +3.3 and +5.
- Aperture: F10
- Shutter Speed: 1/10
- Flash was used all shots but the first one.
- All shots were sharpened and had other minor edits where needed.
I have to say I really enjoyed this week and it seems I picked up this technique very easily. It is definitely something I plan to use more of in the future and I am now even more determined to learn how to use my manual settings on my camera. Though that may take time, but I will note the settings if used.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7